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PLAY! events are designed for children with developmental differences and their families.


We know it can feel overwhelming to enter a setting and allow children with developmental differences to play and explore while also having room for connection with other families in the community. PLAY! events are designed to bring families together in a supportive environment with materials that facilitate play and exploration along with social interactions for both children and their families. PLAY! events are facilitated by Sheila Chrobak, M.S., CCC-SLP and colleagues.


with Inspired Child Development

Full Circle's mission is to inspire healthy development for all children. Created by pediatric specialists united by a shared belief that by strengthening families, inspiring young minds, and connecting communities, children can thrive. 

Between 2017 and 2019, Full Circle hosted a variety of donation based PLAY! events and cooking classes for our community and in our schools. Funds received were used for our Building Blocks for Play program with donations of blocks to local non-profits for distribution to families in the community.

At the end of 2019, Full Circle became a community outreach branch of Dot to Dot.


In 2020, when COVID took a big toll on how we engaged with our schools, therapy programs, community, etc. Full Circle used social media posts to help support as many families as we could reach. Our posts were designed to encourage, support, and inspire families as they transitioned to virtual school and telehealth practices. This slide show is a compilation of those posts.


I had the opportunity to join this wonderful panel discussion, hosted by JMRL, to discuss ideas and suggestions as families move through their virtual school or homeschool programs for the 2020-21 school year.




Our first PLAY! Pop-up Events were held in July. Each week's event focused on a different type of play materials- manipulative play, sensory bins, arts and crafts, and food preparation and play.


All proceeds were donated to Bennett's Village, a place for ALL to play. We raised $510 dollars which was doubled by a grant Bennett's Village had received.

I am excited to collaborate with Amanda, owner of Shenanigans Toys and Games, as we explore the importance of play for all children. Follow both Dot to Dot Speech and Shenanigans Toy Store on Instagram to see how we are encouraging and supporting families in their journey with play.


PLAY! at Virginia Discovery Museum in September was a great opportunity for families to explore play and social interactions at VDM. All exhibits were open for play and supports were in place for families to ensure their time at the museum was fabulous!

All proceeds were donated to VDM in the amount of $200.



PLAY! We’re Going on a Bear Hunt in February offered up time for a story and yoga/movement, obstacle course story sequencing, tons of theme based sensory bins, cave construction, and bear hunt collages. This literacy based event was a true adventure for all!

All proceeds were donated to The Arc Studio in the amount of $150.


Artful PLAY! at The Arc Studio provided an opportunity for young artists to explore and create multi media art inspired by the work of Eric Carle. Watching the colors, shapes, and designs come together was a beautiful experience.

We raised $200 for The Arc Studio to support their ongoing programming.

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